Thursday, March 18, 2010

Number One

Truth is, I've started many blogs in my life. None seem to have lasted, partly because I'm bad at commitment and partly because my obsessive standards for publishing on the scarily exposed world wide web have served as a hindrance in my being heard at all. Alas, those days are over! Following this post will hopefully be a (beautifully chaotic, maybe?) jumble of thoughts and ramblings on matters of philosophical significance.

So, why "philosophizings"? The definition the Merriam-Webster gives for "philosophize" is as follows:

1. to reason in the manner of a philosopher
2. to expound a moralizing and often superficial philosophy

I figured my credentials don't yet allow me to call what I'm doing true philosophy, although I promise I will try. Though my pretentious style of writing may contradict my aim, it is one of (humorous, perhaps?) humility. Furthermore, in being self-conscious of the derision directed at my constant ramblings, I thought I would deflect such criticisms by immediately acknowledging the fact that what am about to say can easily be construed as the expounding of essentially bullshit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah life's so easy in the ivory tower, you say. But hey, someone has to step off the hamster wheel from time to time to realize, "Shit, we're going in circles!"

So I say, philosophize on!


  1. It's kind of scary reading your first paragraph. It is exactly what I wrote for my college essay.

  2. That's funny, what ended up happening with your blog?
